Monday, August 10, 2009

Heyy its August! :D

OMG! Its been a while hasnt it?
Well....I just have one important thing to say:
And I was so not there......
I did get to see the new podcast they just uploaded to iTunes.
And guess what?
Dom was there!!!!
I hope they invent time traveling soon, cuz I am somad at myself for not being able to go...

Well, bye! :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jackie Chan???


Mood: Happy
Music: Nothing...

So I woke up about 2 hours ago and was bored out of my mind...of course, so I started channel surfing. I came across the movie Unleashed, with Jet Li. It was good so I started watching it. I really like it! (:
I didnt think I would like the Kon-Fu fighting movies (sorry if I spelled that wrong). The I started channel surfing again on commercials and Tuxedo was on with Jackie Chan! And that movie is fricken hilarious! xD
So...I guess I'll update later! (:


Thanks for tuning in! :D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Oh my Gawd its a butterfly~!


Mood: Ok...
Music: Gives You Hell - AAR

So today was quite uneventful... I got my mom into farm town and now shes hooked on it. Yay... she kicked me off the computer cuz of it! I was mad.
But I got to watch Independence Day. Or part of it, I guess. I didn't get to see the last part...
I went to the
My friend Kelsi was supposed to come over today but she bailed on me...again!
But thats cool cuz we're gonna go to Carowinds together in a few days! :D
Cant wait!
Well..guess I'll go take a shower.


Thanks for tuning in! :D

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh Gaia, my Gaia...


Mood: Excited but still impatient
Music: Hope it Gives You Hell - All-American Rejects <3

Gaia's working now! Yayyy...!
It was having problems cuz they were putting up a new site layout. (:
So now I am going to be on Gaia all night. 
Maybe on zOMG!, too.
By the by, my username on Gaia is iLostie. ;D


Thanks for tuning in! :D

"Ziti is...cylinder-ish and short...and spaghetti is...long and...ya..."


Mood: Impatient
Music: Hope it Gives You Hell - All-American Rejects <3

So today I was on Gaia, which is not working for me right now, and I was in the freebie section of the forums, and I did my first commission! I feel very proud about it. It would be better if I had a tablet and color...and better drawing skills! But... here it is --> Clicky
Tell me what you think in a comment. Here are some others that I did yesterday and the day before --> Clicky & clicky & clicky (:
The first one is for my friend Hannah. The second is for my friend MeaMea. And the third is my other friend Hannah and Me. (:
I had pizza today, although I would have desperately preferred Chinese (damn Erin).
I think I am going to go down to Paige's for a while, or just fuck around and do stuff.... 
No ones talking to me on Gaia (no ones ON Gaia...probably cuz the sites messed up).
So I might just be on Facebook or whatever.


Thanks for tuning in! :D

Spongebob? Again? Ugh....


Good morning everyone. (: I decided to use a new font. It looks cool! :D
So I just woke up about an hour and a half ago. Everyone's up except my mom and my dad. Of course. I have a hair appointment tomorrow...I'm getting highlights and a trim. (: Red highlights, to be exact! I can't wait! Red looks nice with dark hair.....
I wanna draw something...But I dont know what... I'm still not all that good with drawing... ):
I'm hungry. I havn't eaten anything yet. Hmm...guess I'll go make something! :D


Thanks for tuning in. (:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

OMG its an edit! Grab it!!! xD


Mood: blegh...
Music: Thunder (:

EDIT: I have a slight cruch on Max's VOICE. xD
Its niiiiice. (:


Thanks for tuning in! :D

" loaf form..."


Mood: Tired-ish
Music: Right Back to Where We Started From - Cleopatra - A Goofy Movie :D

Yes I am going to put the date in every post. I dont care.

So I started the day off laying on the couch for an hour watching Regis & Kelly cuz I couldn't move (see earlier post). Then I decided to get up off my lazy ass and make something of myself. <-- my dad's words... (whatever) I took a shower and by that time my dad had left to go to the doctor's. So I decided that that was the safest time to get on the computer. I quickly checked my mail on Yahoo! and anything on MySpace, which I'm never on anymore, and then Gaia. I went through and checked and answered most of my PMs on there and got the daily chances and fed my virtual fishies.
Yes, I have virtual fishies, dont you?
I have a goldfish, Skittles (like the candy, very original), Kiki Kitty (its a kitty with a scuba mask :D), a snail thing, and a seahorse. 
Their names are very original, too.
The goldfish's name is Goldie, the Skittles name is Skit, the Kiki Kitty's name is Kiki, the snail thing is....I forgot..., and the seahorse's name is Lusy (seahorse isnt it's original name, its longer).
Yep. Then I went on Facebook and checked my crops on Farm Town. Man that game is addicting. I've only been on it for about a week and I'm almost a level 9 and I have about 46k! I am currently waiting for the rest of my corn to grow so I can plant a lot more crops. :D
I also have some animals on it, too (cuz its a "farm"). I have a chicken, a donkey, a sheep, a pig, and a dog.
The chickens name is Quackers (apparently it thinks its a duck), the donkey's name is Donkey (from Shrek! :D), the sheep's name is Fluffy (I dont have to explain that), the pig's name is Mr. Oinkers (that is funny!), and the dogs name is Fred (named after Fred, who died in the last HP book because J.K. Rowling had to kill us inside somehow).
So I basically spent the whole day on the computer. I learned that some places in the world a truly magnificent (thanks to Yahoo!) and that Jupiter now has an "Earth sized gash neer the south pole." thats a pretty big gash! You can see the article on that at (:
I also learned that I have a slight crush on a fictional (and animated) character...yes...the one and only...Max...from A Goofy Movie, duh! 
I am currently listening to the soundtrack to that movie and am going to rent it from Blockbuster and make my mom watch it with me. I have my ways. >D
Oh, ok so I have been talking to Lyssa (one of my best friends) on Facebook and she told me that she is currently eating tunaloaf....ew?
First off, no one really likes metloaf. You only eat it cuz if you dont, your mom will eat you instead. Second, who would even think of putting tuna in loaf form? Thats just nasty... Dx
Oh! Also, I have learned that I can draw avatars ok now. (:
I have to use a base that I "stole" from someone else but I have now dubbed it mine cuz I added my own personal touches.
I cant do extravagant things yet, I'm still using pencil and paper. I am hopefully getting a tablet for Christmas or whenever I conjure up enough money.
But yeah, I have drawn my avatar, my friend Hannahs, MeaMea's, and...other Hannah's! (haha)
I also have been reading Harry Potter fanfics lately. I really like this particular one that happens right after the big fight at Hogwarts and all the funerals have happened. Remus leaves Harry a pensieve full of his memories of his parents so he knows some stuff and yada yada. Its really really good!!!
I still can't believe Fred's dead.... Dx
I had left-overs for dinner. Mashed potatoes and turkey. (:
Yum yum yum!
I guess this is it! :D

Mood: still tired-ish
Music: Stand Out - Tevin Campbell - A Goofy Movie :D

Thanks for tuning in! (:

I think my arms want to detach themselves from my body...

Welcome to my blog. (:


So, yesterday I woke up at around 7:40. I didn't have to get up till 8 so I fell back asleep. When my mom came in my room to wake me up, it was around 8:15. I got up and brushed my teeth and all that usual stuff.
See, the reason I was getting up at 8 during summer break was that I was going to the USA National Whitewater Center with some friends. We were supposed to be leaving at 9:30 but that didnt happen, of course.
See, the day before it had been pooring and had continued all through the night. So Paige (most of the people I went with are adults) decided to wait till 10:30 to leave. When we got going it was about 10:50. We were delayed a bit because Marty had to go take a dump...eww...
When we got there the first thing we did was the zipline. It took us about a half hour to get all the way to the top. The guide up there at the time was kinda bossy and we didnt know what she was saying half the time. She didn't explain what we were doing very well.
The zipline was ok. It was very fun at first, but it wasn't really that high, which didn't make it that exilerating, and it wasn't that fast, either. It didn't last that long and it came to an abrupt stop, which scared the shit outta me. It was very uncomfortable just hanging there for 2 minutes as the other guide pulls you in. Then you take a 5 minute walk back up to take the harness off.
After that we went over to where the rafting was. It was 1:30 when it started and the guide, Keener, told us what to do if we went over board, blah blah blah. The group went to get all our stuff on and then they divided the group to different guides. Lucky for us, we had 6 people so we were the last to get divided, and we got Keener (who we all wanted).
The rafting was so much fun! The first thing we did was go around the "easy" part of the trip. We went through that once, then again, but this time we went "surfing." Thats when you ride the "whitewater." Then we went through the difficult part of the trip. Paige was all like: "this is the part where we saw everyone flipping?" and Keener goes "Oh yeah!" he said it was a level 3-4, and the highest you can get is 4-5. And we're all newcomers to this. This was the most exhilerating part of the trip. It was so random you didn't know what was going to happen. When we reached the part that they call 'the rooster tail' we waited for the people in front of us to get rejected by the whitewater but we got pulled in and we collided with them.
Holy shit. I thought I was going under! Lucky for us our guide was smart and yelled "GET DOWN!" right before it happened, so we all dove into the bottom of the raft. It was very exciting.
After the rafting we went kayaking. I was a little hesitant to do that but I decided to and it was ok. But I would have to say that was my least favorite part of the day. We went all the way down to the bridge on the Catawba River and then back. By the time we got back my arms felt like they were gonna fall off! My back hurt, too. It was fun at the beginning, but not so much at the end.
After that we decided to take a break. Marty and Jill wanted to go Mountain biking, but Tyler and I didn't really feel like doing anything at the moment, so Paige and Mike lagged behind with us as Marty and Jill got their bikes and left. 
We went to go get something to drink, as me and Tyler hadn't had anything at all that day, and we went back down to the main part of the center which was where the hard part of the rafting was, so you got to see people getting flipped over and brave kayakers daring the waters.
Then, like 5 minutes later, Mike sees Marty and Jill on the other side of the center (remember we're in the middle) on the path where you walk back from the zipline. Jill was riding her bike back to us and Marty was slowly jogging with his bike along side him behind her. Mike got up and went to his brother (Marty) to see what was wrong.
When they all got back and returned the bikes and all we learned that right into the ride there is this big hill and Marty raced past Jill and he looked back to see where she was and then he just flipped and flipped and flipped.
They made him pay $25 for the bike and yada yada yada...Marty was just making fun of himself cuz thats just the way it is.
We went out to eat at Kristopher's. I had fettucine alfredo and a strawberry smoothie. It was really good. But my but hurt bad. xD
We got back and by then the pictures had been posted on the website so I looked at those. There was a play by play of the 'almost-flip' and that was really awesome!
Then I just went to bed! I was sooo burnt out!
All in all it was an awesome day! :D

Thanks for tuning in to my first blog. (: